Dec 2 - 3

Join us as we bring to you 33 JRT singers and dancers presenting Christmas songs from every style and era accompanied by the amazing JRT band! A perfect way to celebrate the holiday season with your friends and family.

Director – Jennifer Ross-Bernhardt
Choreographer - Jessica Shelton
Band Director - Lucas Schmidt
Stage Manger - Sheila Laughlin
Set Design - Karen Elb, Jennifer Ross-Bernhardt, Lucas Schmidt
Light Design - Bennett Little
Light Tech - Kari Tuthill
Sound Design/Tech - Adam Honeycutt
Wardrobe Mistress - Anna Wooden
Show Photographer - Dr. Gregg Perry

Bob Browning
Sierra Camillo
Trinity Camillo
Kelly Coches
Sarah Grace Cook
Shannon Cook
Suzanne Cook
Liz Dollar
Amy Jo Fisher
Janette Gaines
Joe Gumina
Shawn Hale
Mika Hoilman
Joseph Hunter
Noah Jones
Andee Klusman
Rebekah Knisley
JJ Lane
Karen Lane
Susan McNabb
Mike Musick
Joy Nagy
Kate Palmer
Andy Rogers
Jennifer Ross-Bernhardt
Lucas Schmidt
Jessica Shelton
Sharon Squibb
Katie Thorpe
Corey Tickles
Krista Wharton
Brittany Whitson

Dan Cobb - Trombone
Stacia Howard - Reeds
Joy Nagy - Piano
Dr. Gregg Perry - Bass
Steve Wilaniskis - Drums