Guys and Dolls
August 29 - September 15, 2019
Set in Depression-era Times Square, Guys and Dolls is about a couple of big city gamblers and the women who love them. It tells the overlapping stories of high-roller Sky Masterson, who falls in love with mission worker Sarah Brown, and lovable rapscallion Nathan Detroit, engaged for 14 years to Miss Adelaide, a headliner at the Hot Box Club. Nathan runs a famous floating crap game, and an ongoing plot line involves his quest for a safe place for the game as Adelaide continues her quest to convince him to marry her. Meanwhile, Sarah, mistakenly believing that Sky set up an illegal game at the mission, tries to fight her affection for the charismatic crapshooter.
(Synopsis from
Director…..Joe Smith
Assistant Director….Diane Taveau
Stage Manager…..Bennett Little
Assistant Stage Manager….Pam Ruesink
Choreographer…….Heather Allen
Music Director……Shawn Hale
Set/Sound Design…..Lucas Schmidt
Lighting Design…..Karen Elb
Costumes………Debby Shoun, Dana Kehs
Sarah Brown..……………….Catherine Squibb
Miss Adelaide………………. Heather Allen
Sky Masterson………………Joe Gumina
Nathan Detroit………………Lucas Schmidt
Nicely-Nicely Johnson……..Shawn Hale
Benny Southstreet………….Josh Baldwin
Rusty Charlie………………..Johnny Archer
Big Jule et. al……………..….Kyle Mason
Harry the Horse et. al……...Lucas Wilcox
Angie the Ox et. al………….Charlie Landry
Joey Biltmore et. al…………Bennett Little
Lt. Brannigan……….……....Joel VanEaton
Liver Lips Louiset. al.……..Chris Pickens-Mitchell
Society Maxet. al.………..…Ben Garber
Scranton Slimet. al.…….…Jacob Maurer
Brandy Bottle Bateset. al.……Stephen Cradic
The Greeket. al…..……Andrew Duncan
Agathaet. al.………………….Brooke Shelton
Marthaet. al…………………Anna VanEaton
Calvinet. al…………………..Don Squibb
Arvideet. al…………………..Tom Sizemore
General Cartwright et. al….Janette Gaines
Mission Ensemble et. al……Jessie Scarbrough, Lilli Pickens-Mitchell
Hot Box Club Dancers et. al……Tiffany Matthews, Jessica Shelton, Annika Beatty, Emma Garber, Kate Hollenbeck, Hannah Love