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Auditions for The Sound of Music

Audition Information:

January 18th 9am-12pm CHILDREN ONLY
This is a separate audition just for kids 18 and under wishing to audition for any of the von Trapp family children roles. If you are not available for this audition, you may attend on any of the other dates, but there will be no adults at this particular time.
Please prepare a short song selection of no more than one complete verse. Sheet music or backing track is preferred, but a cappella songs will be accepted.
If you wish to be considered for Liesl, you must prepare a short monologue as well.

For more information, contact the director, Diane Taveau, at

January 19th & 20th 6-10pm Adults and Children

Callbacks for the roles of Maria, Captain von Trapp, Mother Abbess, Max, Frau Schrader, Rolf and the von Trapp children will be by invitation only and held on Wednesday the 22nd at 5:30pm.

You only need to attend one audition time to be considered for a callback

Show Dates: April 16th – May 3rd

What to prepare:
Adults: please prepare a short song selection of no more than one complete verse of a song. Sheet music or backing track is required. No a cappella. An accompanist is provided. If you would like to be considered for Maria, Captain von Trapp, Mother Abbess, Max, Frau Schraeder or Liesl, please prepare a short monologue as well.

Children will be allowed to sing a cappella.

Please bring with you a full set of conflicts beginning January 28th through May 3rd as this will help us determine casting. Rehearsals begin on or about January 28th. Tentative rehearsal schedule is Monday thru Friday from 6:30pm – 10pm with some additional Saturday and Sunday dates TBD. Given that the production has so many children under 18, it will be our goal to have the children dismissed as early as possible. The closer we get to show week, the longer they will be required to be there. There will be no permissible absences/conflicts two weeks prior to performances.

Maria Rainer (musical theatre mix/soprano, dance, 20-35) A postulant at Nonnberg Abbey – young, free spirited, warm, gentle and kind with much determination.

Captain Georg von Trapp (baritone, moves well, 35-45) A retired Austrian naval captain. Polished, yet very military in the way he runs his life to repress his sadness over the death of his wife; underneath, he is warm, understanding, and determined.

Max Detweiller (tenor/baritone, moves well, 30+) Charming and vital; a man of sophistication who enjoys the good life; true and loyal friend to the von Trapp family.

Elsa Schrader (mezzo soprano, moves well, 35-45) A baroness of taste and elegance, sophisticated, dignified and mature.

Mother Abbess (legit soprano, wide vocal range, 40+, very strong actress) Motherly, understanding, strong and authoritative, but kind.

Sister Berthe (alto, moves well) Mistress of Novices, prudish, straight-laced with a quick tongue, she is less tolerant than other nuns.

Sister Margaretta (mezzo, moves well) Mistress of Postulants, very kind, understanding and concerned.

Sister Sophia (soprano, moves well) Neither demanding nor critical, sticks with the rules.

Franz (non-singing, 30+) The von Trapp butler, rather formal but not without spirit, he is very German and loyal to the Fascist cause.

Frau Schmidt (non-singing, 30+) The housekeeper, stoic, very little personality; she does her job efficiently but without affection. Strong and somewhat dominating.

Herr Zeller (non-singing, 40+) Stern and unsmiling, a typical Nazi official whose primary concern is to see that everyone toes the line.

Rolf Gruber (low tenor, dance, 17) Suitor to Liesl, telegram delivery boy, later Nazi soldier. A very pleasant young man, somewhat aggressive but in a gentle way.

All children, apart from their character description must be able to be conservative with their emotions and “serious.”

Liesl von Trapp (mezzo, dance, 16) The oldest child, blossoming into a young lady with an interest in boys. She has a maternal edge to her and cares very deeply for her younger siblings.

Friedrich von Trapp (age 14) Tough exterior, very much trying to be “the man” of the family.

Louisa von Trapp (age 13) Rebellious attitude.

Kurt von Trapp (age 10, falsetto) Gentle and mischievous.

Brigitta von Trapp (age 9) Smart, reads a lot.

Marta von Trapp (age 7) Very sweet and gentle.

Gretl von Trapp (age 6) Must have the cute factor.

5-10 male chorus members (16-60+ years) – Nazi soldiers, neighbors, Salzburg �citizens and Georg’s friends (of naval background).

5-10 female chorus members (16-60+ years) – Salzburg citizens, new postulant, nuns, novices, postulants and contestants in the Festival Concert

Earlier Event: January 19
Auditions for The Sound of Music
Later Event: January 23
Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella